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5 Netflix Show's You Need To Watch

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If you're anything like me you'll love having a nosey at what other people have been enjoying, and Netflix is no exception to this. Below are five show's I've been watching on Netflix and absolutely love!

Rick and Morty - Cartoon's for adults anyone? Perfect for those dreaded hangover day's. A serious but hilairous science fiction based show, which follows a mad scientist and his grandson companion. Don't judge it on the first few episodes. it get's better i promise! You'll soon grow to love the Smith family and find yourself re-watching it over and over.

13 Reasons Why - If you don't know about this controversial show then where have you been? It's all anyone's been talking about on social media for the last few weeks. I think it's a great show and has resulted in people actually talking about serious issues like mental health, rape and suicide which can only be a good thing right?

Freaks and Geeks - Oldie but goldie, made in the 90's with a super famous cast featuring the likes of James Franco, Seth Rogen, Jason Segel and Linda Cardellini. Sounds like a show sent from heaven, do i need to say anymore?

Stranger Things - I was late to the hype on this show, there was something about it that just didn't appeal to me. Oh, how wrong i was. It's amazing! Who knew a Sci-fi show about a boy that goes missing could be so interesting?

Grimm - Did you order any cheese with your chips? Because this is one cheesy series. If you love the Brother's Grimm fairytales and Buffy The Vampire Slayer then this is the show for you. I've not finished watching this yet but thought it was worth a mention anyway as i'm really enjoying it.

                     What are you watching on Netflix?

                                Already seen some of these shows? Let me know what you thought :) 

Till next time,

Stevie x

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